Mimotec - IoT Products
Mimotec Micro Node
IoT Nodes for rugged outdoor use with solar panel and battery Uses low-power long-distance communication. Transmits data by LoRa wireless protocol or via LoRaWAN network.
Waterproof aluminum case, anodized surface kit, supports LoRa
JRII board, use connectors that are salt and UV resistant, can be waterproof and dustproof as well. The solar panel can be rotated with an on and off switch, along with a 26650 3.2V 5000 mAh battery and built-in charging system.

Mimotec developmet Board for LoRa
LoRa development boards are ideal for developers who want to learn and practice at a lower cost and cost-effective way to build solutions for projects that require low-power LoRa telecommunication.
The board can connect to a LoRaWAN network via LoRa Gateway to a Private Network Server such as ChirpStack or a Public network.

IoT Sensor node module
Ready-to-use kit with built-in 18650 battery IoT Sensor node has ESP32 as main processor and built-in WiFi Configure ESP32 to connect to WiFi and connect to MQTT broker via internet Make public payload via MQTT topic “loraptp”
There is a firmware specially developed by paying attention to the technology, ready to use. The application of LoRa data transmission in the form of PtP can be used in practice, suitable for a network that is not very large. If there is no LoRaWAN gateway, then LoRa can be used.

Temperature Sensor Node
Ready-to-use temperature and humidity sensors Designed to suit the intended use. temperature control compact size Send and receive data with LoRa
Temperature Sensor Node Ready-to-use unit with built-in battery connector and charging system LoRaWAN and LoRa PtP mode options available Supports 920-925 MHz band AS923 I2C/UART/1WIRE port available Sensors can be added using the Arm Cortex-M0 processor (MCU).
Ergonomic design case, comes standard with high quality AM2305 sensor, temperature range is -40 to 125°C.

Advanced LoRa Sensor Node V.2
Designed for industrial applications, uses 32-bit MCU Arm Cortex-M4 (Microchip ATSAMD51), speed 120 MHz, supports sensors 4-20mA, Modbus RTU, 0-10V, etc., high stability.
Able to develop programs CircuitPython , C and Arduino IDE come with ACER's LoRa module on board. There are various Shiled options such as 3G/LTE , NB-IoT, LoRa PtP , GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth.

LoRa Tracker
Supports 3.3 – 12V power, uses GPS module L80-M39 from Quectel, receives coordinates from satellites, has sensors Accelerometer, Gyroscope, 6 Axis Sensor of BOSCH model BMI160 mounted on the board.
Send data to the Tracker platform with LoRaWAN, suitable for installation in vehicles. motorcycle machinery and equipment who want to track their location all the time

LED Grow Light
LED GrowLight bulbs for growing vegetables through lab testing Easy to use There is a user manual, TIS standard, showing 10W, the length of the tube is 60 cm. For Mimotec LED Grow Light, use high quality LED beads,
Nichia brand from Japan. That has been recognized as having expertise in the production of plant bulbs in particular. Suitable for growing green leafy plants such as green oak, green cos, rocket.

Smart LED Tubes
We have reached the day of communicating with light bulbs. These Smart LED Tubes T8 are no ordinary bulbs as the percentage brightness and duration can be set from the software and can also be sent downlink from NBIoT or LoRaWAN. also remote IDAM (controller) to configure settings.
You can also set a group to have the lamps turn on or come on at the same time if the main lamp with a motion sensor is detected reducing the brightness of the lamp Can be done in two ways:
If there is no movement for the specified time, the lamp will dim itself. Or you can set the lamp to turn off completely. depending on usage Installation is simple By bringing Smart LED Tubes to replace the original bulbs do nothing more.
Smart LED Tubes T8 (16W) will help reduce electricity costs. because the lamp can be dimmed to reduce the brightness as set If there is no movement within the specified time This will make the lamp consume less power. It also helps to extend the lamp life longer. because it doesn't have to work at full power at 100% brightness all the time

Tracking Platform

If your organization has a lot of resources Taking care of it can be a headache and a hassle. Each piece of equipment is frequently moved. Difficult to remember, risk of loss, pay attention, track, is a well-designed platform, convenient to use, complete with all functions. Suitable for tracking applications such as tracking cars, motorcycles, boats, or buoys at sea.
The system can tell you the exact location of the device. Easy to follow or watch There is an alert system display in the form of reports, etc.
GPS Tracker
GPS Tracker Locating Devices with Less Aberrations reliable Complete functionality can meet the needs of all types of businesses can add new functions to meet future needs at any time
Geofencing is the use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network, a local radio frequency identifier (such as a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth nodes) to create a virtual boundary around a location.
The tracking system can determine the area of ​​work. and can alert immediately if moving outside the specified area
route detection system We can create a display of the vehicle or device's path from the starting point to the current point, ensuring that each day our car or device is moving on the map.